The youth today must show forth a greater maturity than any previous generation, for they are called upon to pass through perhaps the gravest crisis in the history of the world, and they must meet their destiny with faith, steadfastness, assurance and poise.
Undoubtedly, it is within your power to contribute significantly to shaping the societies of the coming century; youth can move the world. – Bahá’í Writings
Young people everywhere are known for their idealism, creativity, energy, and purity of heart. At the same time, the negative forces on our youth and materialism can be overwhelming. Pressure from peers, school, family, and media are ever-present and they can easy be distracted from remembering their true nobility and purpose.
Youth are the future. But they are also very much present now, as significant actors in our communities, workplaces, and global spaces today. The way they understand themselves, their capacities, and their role in society therefore has significant social consequences.

…the involvement of youth is not something to be sought for [their] sake alone, nor a tool designed to advance [their] needs as a specific population group. Rather, it is a component critical to the well-being of all of humankind, young and old alike – Statement of the Bahá’í International Community
How can the qualities of youth be empowered in the processes of community building and social transformation? What is necessary to encourage them along a path of selfless service to others? What are the moral and intellectual capacities that can best guide them?
Fortunately many organizations in Belize are putting a lot of thought and effort into youth development and harnessing the power of these young people who now make up a significant portion of the Belizean population. The Belize Baha’í community also has a great concern and love for this 15-30 year age group.
Baha’í youth and their friends come together locally and nationally to worship, deepen their knowledge and consult about topics of interest to them, build supportive bonds of friendship, and most importantly – they serve together. Older youth are finding a sense of purpose in helping guide children and younger youth to be able to reach their potential. They do this though helping teach children’s classes, lead junior youth groups and engage in service projects to help their community. Activities and gatherings are often planned by the youth for the youth so they vary from place to place.
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