The Baha’i Faith is the world’s newest independent world religion and teaches the oneness of God, the unity of humanity, and the essential harmony of religion.
Baha’is believe in peace, justice, love, altruism and unity. The Baha’i teachings promote the agreement of science and religion, the equality of the sexes and the elimination of all prejudice and racism.
Just about anywhere you go on the planet, you’ll find Baha’is—the Baha’i Faith is the world’s second-most widespread religion after Christianity, spanning the globe and working to unite it. Baha’is have no clergy or churches, gathering together in democratically-led communities and welcoming everyone.
Bahá’í Principles
Find out what Bahá’í's believe in and how these ideas can contribute to the advancement of civilization.
Bahá’í History
Learn about how the Bahá’í Faith began and it's relationship with religions of the past.
Bahá’í Prayers & Writings
Read some of the beautiful prayers and scripture offered by the Bahá’í Faith